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Free Trial

Frequently asked questions about the free trial and how it works.
4 articles

Can I view Venues, Record Labels and Music Blogs/Reviewers during a trial?

Yes. You can view everything.

Can I submit to Venues, Music Blogs/Reviewers, or Record Labels during a Free Trial?

Yes BUT when you make your first submission your free trial will be converted to a paid subscription.Optionally, you can buy credits at checkout and avoid a subscription.

How do I convert my free trial to a paid subscription?

To convert from a free trial to a paid subscription you can simply make your first pitch to a venue, music blog/reviewer or record label. Alternatively, you can choose a new package on the My Account - Packages page.

How does the Free Trial work?

The on-boarding process is super simple. Sign up for a free trial and view our premium data and system all you want. When you decide to pitch a venue, music blog/reviewer or record label your trial will need to be converted to a paid subscription or you can buy credits at checkout. If you submit a pitc...